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Question from Elrika:

I was diagnosed with TB behind my ear last year. The TB meds made me very sick, and I ended up in hospital with hepatitis. They then discovered that I also have CLL. Had chemo and 12 TB pills a day all at once. I am 58 years old. I was a runner and thought that I was very healthy. Tests were great 4 months ago. Drew blood yesterday (without seeing the oncologist). My breasts are very very sensitive and sore. Must I be worried if the white cell count is 11.22 (reference = 3.92-9.88) Lymphocytes ABS = 6.77 (reference = 1.00-4.00) Neutrophils = 32.1 Neutrophills Abs = 3.60 (reference = 2.00-7.50)?

Dr. Leclair:

What were your values at the time of diagnosis? Since some folks don't get treatment until their WBC reaches 500.00 or if they have symptoms, I wonder what they were. A total white cell count of 11 and an absolute count of 6 support a good remission. I know that it is impossible to say, "don't worry," but can you at least relax a bit? These are good.

Please remember the opinions expressed on Patient Power are not necessarily the views of our sponsors, contributors, partners or Patient Power. Our discussions are not a substitute for seeking medical advice or care from your own doctor. That’s how you’ll get care that’s most appropriate for you.

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This article was originally published February 3, 2015 and most recently updated October 16, 2019.
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